► Attorney Shawn Romer of Independence, OH; convicted felon Print E-mail
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Attorney Shawn Romer of Independence, OH; convicted felon


The state of Ohio presented Shawn Alexander Romer with a law license in 2008 after he graduated from Cleveland State University School of Law.


Disciplinary Counsel found Shawn guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Convicted of disorderly conduct
  • Pled two of his DUI arrests to lesser charges
  • Convicted of his first DUI in Lakewood Municipal Court
  • During the summer of 2019, Shawn began purchasing cocaine from a woman named Alicia
  • Alicia sent Shawn pictures of women who were being trafficked and offered to arrange meetings between Shawn and the women
  • In Sept 2019, Hugh contacted Alicia to purchase more cocaine and as part of this purchase Alicia offered to arrange for a female to perform oral sex on Hugh, an offer he accepted
  • Hugh paid Alicia $500 for the cocaine and oral sex
  • Indicted on one count of Attempted Corrupting Another with Drugs, a third-degree felony and one count of Soliciting, a first-degree misdemeanor
  • Sentenced to 36-months in prison

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Shawn by the apologists for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Oho Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. December 2022), Shawn will likely resume his so-called brand of law at 6505 Rockside Road in Independence, Ohio after he serves his 36-month prison sentence.



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