► Attorney Anthony Baker of Sheffield, OH; contemptuous loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Anthony Baker of Sheffield, OH; contemptuous loser


The State of Ohio provided Anthony Baker with a law license in 2009 after he graduated from Capitol University School of Law.


FYI: Capitol University School of Law is ranked as the 161st best law school in the country out of 200 ABA (American Bar Association) accredited law schools.


In one matter, Tony was found in contempt by Cuyahoga Court of Common Pleas Judge Nancy Fuerst for engaging in undignified conduct that was degrading to a tribunal. Judge Fuerst’s conduct was based on Tony’s conduct on the last day of a trial involving a former police officer accused of assaulting his wife.


Tony’s contemptuous conduct during the trial involved him leaving the defense table during jury instructions because he objected to Judge Fuerst’s refusal to instruct the jurors on Ohio’s self-defense laws.


Judge Fuerst told Cleveland.com that Tony had thrown a tantrum and had acted unprofessionally several times during the trial.


As a direct consequent of his contemptuous behavior, Judge Fuerst punished Tony as follows.

  • Imposed a $500 financial fine
  • Had to write 25 times in legible handwriting, “I will not engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice or in any other conduct that adversely reflects on my fitness to practice law.”
  • Had to write 25 times in legible handwriting, “I shall not engage in conduct intended to disrupt a tribunal or engage in undignified or discourteous conduct that is degrading to a tribunal.”

As we speak (ca. March 2020), Tony practices The Las Office of Anthony Baker at 5320 Hoag Drive in Sheffield, Ohio, suburb of Cleveland.



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