► Attorney Renorda Pryor of Raleigh; ethical dwarf Print
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Attorney Renorda Pryor of Raleigh; ethical dwarf 


The state of North Carolina provided Renorda Eulissa Pryor with a law license in 2007.


The Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar found Renorda guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Failed to take appropriate steps to protect client’s interests
  • Failed to file motion on client’s behalf
  • Failed to obtain court permission to withdraw representation
  • Failed to appear in court on behalf of client

As a consequence of her misconduct the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar punished Renorda by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. February 2016) Renorda practices at 16 West Martin Street in Raleigh, North Carolina.