► Attorney Megan Teesdale of Bronx, NY; ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Attorney Megan Teesdale of Bronx, NY; ethical leprechaun


The state of Minnesota presented Megan with a law license in 2012 after she graduated from Rutgers University Law School.


After receiving her law license, Megan went to work as an assistant prosecutor for the Bronx District Attorney’s office.


In one matter, Megan was assigned to prosecute Segundo Marquez who was held at Rikers Island for over eight months awaiting trial on rape charges. In her zeal to garner brownie points from her boss, Bronx DA Robert Johnson, Megan decided to conceal evidence from defense counsel that would have freed Marquez of the sham rape charge filed against him.


After Bronx Criminal Court Judge John Wilson dismissed the phony rape charge against Marquez, he banished Megan from ever again appearing in his court when he said: “You’re going to leave this room [courtroom], and you’re never going to come back.” Wilson went on to say: 


“To my mind, this is an utter and complete disgrace — not just for you, but for your office [District Attorney] in general.”


The Bar Association has not taken any disciplinary action against Megan for her egregious misconduct. She should be disbarred for her willingness to see a man wrongfully convicted and sentenced to prison just so she could make it appear that she could place a notch on her prosecutorial belt.


As we speak (ca. June 2014), Megan is still employed as an assistant DA with the Bronx District Attorney’s Office.



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