► Attorney Sheldon Scharg of West Bloomfield, MI; ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Attorney Sheldon Scharg of West Bloomfield, MI; ethical leprechaun

The state of Michigan presented Sheldon M. Scharg with a law license in 1977 after he graduated from the University of Detroit School of Law.

FYI: The University Detroit is ranked as the 164th best law school in the country out of 202 ABA accredited schools.

Tri-County Hearing Panel #17 found Sheldon guilty of the following misconduct, all of which Sheldon pled no contest to committing. 
  • Failed to keep client reasonably informed of status of legal matter
  • Neglected a legal matter
  • Failed to promptly respond to reasonable requests for information
  • Failed to act with reasonable promptness in representing his client
  • Failed to explain matter to client to extent necessary to permit client to make informed decisions regarding representation
  • Knowingly failed to respond to investigator’s demands for information (Up Yours, said Sheldon!)
  • Failed to seek client’s lawful objectives
  • Failed to act with due diligence (slacker)
  • Failed to refund the advance payment of a fee that was not earned upon termination of the representation (cheater) 
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Michigan Attorney Disciplinary Board punished Sheldon by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
Additionally, Sheldon was ordered to pay restitution of $2,000 to the client regarding fees he retained for services he failed to earn when he was terminated by the client. He was also assessed costs of  the disciplinary proceedings in the amount of $824.73.
As we speak (ca. March 2013), Sheldon continues to practice in the West Bloomfield, Michigan area, which is a suburb of Detroit.

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