► Attorney Ralph Sirlin of Pleasant Ridge, MI; ethical dwarf Print E-mail
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Attorney Ralph Sirlin of Pleasant Ridge, MI; ethical dwarf

The state of Michigan provided Ralph J. Sirlin with a law license in 1974.
In February 2012, a Tri-County Hearing Panel of the Attorney Disciplinary Board found Ralph guilty of the following misconduct.
  1. Neglected a legal matter entrusted to him (slacker)
  2. Failed to seek his client’s objective
  3. Failed to act with reasonable diligence in representing clients
  4. Failed to keep his clients reasonable informed abut the status of their legal matters
  5. Failed to respond to client requests for information
  6. Failing to explain matters to clients to allow them to make informed decisions about his representation of them
  7. Failed to timely answer requests from disciplinary investigators
  8. Engaged in conduct contrary to the administration of justice
  9. Engaged in unethical and dishonest conduct
  10. Lacked good morals
In a lame effort at levity, the Panel also found Ralph guilty of engaging in conduct that exposes the legal profession to “obloquy, contempt, censure or reproach.” Clearly the Panel was made up of aspiring standup comedians.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Attorney Discipline Board punished Ralph by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.

As we speak (ca. May 2012) Ralph practices law with Reosti & Sirlin PC at 23880 Woodward Avenue in Pleasant Ridge, Michigan, which is about 13 miles north of downtown Detroit.


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