► DA Joseph Early Jr. of Worcester, MA; ethical ogre Print E-mail
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DA Joseph Early Jr. of Worcester, MA; ethical ogre


The state of Massachusetts presented Joseph D. Early Jr. with a law license in 1985 after he graduated from Georgetown University School of Law.


The Ethics Commission found Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr. guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Ordered his top prosecutor to replace a salacious police report concerning the arrest of a local judge’s daughter with a sanitized report in violation of state conflict of interest law
  • Joey ordered assistant DA Jeffrey Travers to go to the Worcester District Court Clerk’s Office to replace original report dealing with judge’s daughter that was sanitized to remove sexually explicit statements
  • Broke conflict of interest law by using or attempting to use his official position to obtain an unwarranted privilege that was not properly available
  • “The removal of the sexually explicit statements and other embarrassing statements would be an unwarranted privilege for the judge and his daughter.”
  • “This privilege would not be properly available to other people in similar situations.”
  • Violated a section of law that prohibits public employees from acting in a manner that creates the reasonable appearance that they would act or fail to act in performing an official duty due to kinship, rank or undue influence from another person
  • Joey violated law through his actions in connection with the revision and attempted replacement of the original arrest report regarding the judge’s daughter

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Joey by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Ethics Commission.


As we speak (ca. July 2020), Joey continues to be employed as the Worcester District Attorney in Worcester, Massachusetts.



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