► Attorney David Barrat of Acton, MA; liar, repeater Print E-mail
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Attorney David T. Barrat of Acton, MA; liar, repeat offender

The State Bar charged attorney David Barrat of Acton (25 miles west of Boston) with the following misconduct:
  1. Falsely telling an insurer that his client’s case was still pending in court
  2. Lied to his client that her case had been dismissed
  3. Repeatedly lied to his client that a settlement of her case was eminent
  4. Successfully sued by client for legal malpractice
  5. Failed to advise an heir that he could not locate his brother’s will and only provided a copy after the client filed a grievance against him with the State Bar
This wasn’t Dave’s first bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree. He was previously disciplined on two prior occasions for the following misconduct.
  1. Neglect and failure to communicate with a client
  2. Mishandling client trust accounts
  3. Failed to comply with comply with terms of probation
For his misconduct in these two matters, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the State Bar gifted Dave with an admonition and a reprimand.
As a consequence of his 3rd bite at the Attorney Misfits Apple Tree, the apologists sitting on the State Bar punished Dave this time by gifting him with a six-month suspension. These fools obviously missed their calling as standup comedians!
As we speak (ca. Jan 2012) Dave practices law at 27 Oneida Road in Acton, Massachusetts.



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