► Attorney Sarah Kim of Chelsea, MA; deadbeat Dumbo Print E-mail
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Attorney Sarah Kim of Chelsea, MA; deadbeat Dumbo


The state of Massachusetts presented Sarah S. Kim with a law license in 1996 after he graduated Boston University Law School.


The Board of Bar Overseers found Sarah guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Failed to pay condo fees owing to condo association
  • Condo association obtained monetary judgment against Sarah which she failed to pay
  • Condo association foreclosed on Sarah’s condo
  • Filed numerous frivolous lawsuits against the condo association, its employees, and its lawyers
  • Sanction several times by various courts for engaging in frivolous conduct
  • Condo association obtain injunction prohibiting Sarah from filing more lawsuits against it
  • Knowingly violated injunction by continuing litigation v. condo association
  • Failed to provide competent representation (Dumbo)
  • Engaged in conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Engaged in conduct adversely reflecting on fitness to practice

As a direct consequence of her misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Board of Overseers punished Sarah by gifting her with a complimentary 1-year suspension of her law license.


As we speak (ca. October 2017) Sarah practices with the Law Office of Sarah S. Kim in Chelsea, Massachusetts.


CAUTION: Sarah is not covered by legal malpractice insurance



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