► Attorney Douglas Ramsey of North Grafton, MA; drunken loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Douglas Ramsey of North Grafton, MA; drunken loser


The state of Massachusetts presented Douglas J. Ramsey with a law license in 2002 after he graduated from Suffolk University Law School.


The Board of Bar Overseers found Doug guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Doug was living with a woman who had secured a restraining order that allowed the respondent to have contact with the woman but not to abuse her. Doug had been drinking and became involved in an argument with the woman. He ordered her to leave the house and threatened to harm her. Given Doug’s level of intoxication, the woman feared that the respondent would carry out his threat.


Subsequently, Doug was arraigned in Westborough District Court on charges of violation of an abuse prevention order and two counts of threatening to commit a crime. He was released subject to conditions that he attend AA seven times per week with proof of a sponsor, abstain from drugs and alcohol, submit to random breathalyzer tests, and obtain outpatient counseling from Spectrum House.


Later on, Doug’s case was transferred to the Worcester District Court, which found he had violated his bail conditions by consuming alcohol. He then intentionally failed to submit to a scheduled breathalyzer test, which led to his bail being revoked.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Board of Overseers punished Doug by gifting him with a complimentary 3-month suspension of his law license.


As we speak (ca. August 2016) Doug practices at 80 Worcester Street in North Grafton, Massachusetts.


Warning: Doug does not carry legal malpractice insurance 


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