► Attorney Mary Kellett of Ellsworth, Maine; ethical misfit Print E-mail
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Attorney Mary Kellett of Ellsworth, Maine; ethical misfit


The state of Maine presented Marry N. Kellett with a law license in 1992 after she graduated from the University of Maine Law School.


The Maine Grievance Commission found Mary guilty of the following misconduct while she was employed as an assistant Hancock County prosecutor.


  • Knowingly made improper arguments to jury
  • Admitted that improper closing statement led to granting of new trial
  • Committed numerous errors in prosecution of defendant
  • Violated the constitutional rights of a defendant
  • Engaged in conduct unworthy of an attorney (What’s New?)
  • Failed to employ care and skill in performance of professional services
  • Failed to comply with prosecutor’s duty to disclose exculpatory evidence to defense
  • Knowingly violated the discovery obligation of a prosecutor

As a consequence of her misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the grievance panel punished Mary by gifting her with a complimentary reprimand. 


As we speak (March 2013) Mary is employed by the Hancock County District Attorney’s office at 70 State Street in Ellsworth, Maine.



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