► Attorney Eugene McLaughlin Jr. of Presque Isle, ME; moronic loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Eugene McLaughlin Jr. of Presque Isle, ME; moronic loser


The state of Maine presented Eugene I. McLaughlin Jr. with a law license in 1988 after he graduated from the University of Maine School of Law.


The Maine Grievance Commission found Gene guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Failed to provide competent representation (moron)
  • Engaged in a conflict of interest
  • Failed to act fairly to opposing party
  • Knowingly disobeyed an obligation under the rules of a tribunal
  • Violated or attempted to violate the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct or the Maine Bar Rules, or knowingly assisted or induced another to do so, or did so through the acts of another
  • Engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation
  • Engaged in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice
  • Failed to act with candor in dealing with various tribunals
  • Committed a criminal or unlawful act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects
  • Gave patently incorrect advice to his client regarding the client's right to enter a house and remove property
  • Actively participated in the entry and removal of the property from client’s home
  • Failed to provide a frank and truthful account of his behaviors to ethics investigators(Screw you, said Gene!)
  • Advice to client to remove property from his home was clearly contrary to a court order prohibiting said conduct

As a direct consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Kentucky Supreme Court punished Gene by gifting him with a complimentary 3-month suspension of his law license and assessed $12,000 in disciplinary prosecution costs.


As we speak (ca. February 2020) Gene practices at 93 State Street in Presque Isle, Maine.  



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