► Attorney Charles E. Lowe, Jr. of Pikeville, KY; ethical gremlin, Dufus Print E-mail
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Attorney Charles E. Lowe, Jr. of Pikeville, KY; ethical gremlin, Dufus

Earlier in his legal career, Charles E. Lowe, Jr. was a Circuit Court Judge for Pike County.
During his unremarkable tenure on the bench, Judge Lowe was found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a litigant by the Kentucky Judicial Commission.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission punished Charlie by gifting him with a reprimand.
Knowing that the voters in Pike County weren’t likely to reelect Charlie to the bench, he did what any cowardly wimp would do, he resigned from the bench.
As we speak (ca. Jan 2012) Charlie continues to practice law in and around Pikeville.
If you’re a woman in the Pikeville area and you’re looking for ethical legal representation, I would strongly urge you to avoid any contact with Charlie the Louse.



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