► Attorney Wesley Zaba of Downers Grove, IL; scamming loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Wesley Zaba of Downers Grove, IL; scamming loser


The state of Illinois presented Wesley C. Zaba with a law license in 2010 after he graduated from the John Marshall School of Law.


The Disciplinary Commission found Wes guilty of engaging in the following misconduct.

  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty, or misrepresentation
  • Wes was hired by an accounting firm (“KPW”) to audit Stonewall Mortgage’s financial statements
  • Stonewall and Wes were required to submit unaudited financial statements to IDFPR as a requirement to keep Stonewall Mortgage’s license as a mortgage broker
  • Wes submitted unaudited financial statements on Stonewall Mortgage’s behalf on June 9, 2017, March 5, 2018, and February 19, 2019 wherein he represented that the financial statements had been prepared by an accountant with the initials JH
  • Wes’ statements that JH had prepared the Stonewall financial were false because the financial statements were not prepared by JH, nor any accountant
  • In fact, it was Wes who personally created the financial statements for those three years and then falsely represented they were prepared by JH, an accountant

All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Wes by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Illinois Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. December 2023), Wes practices his so-called brand of law with the Zaba Law Group PC at 5117 Main Street in Downers Grove, Illinois.


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