► Attorney Chalmer Detling II of Marietta, GA; lying loser Print E-mail
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Attorney Chalmer Detling II of Marietta, GA; lying loser


The state of Georgia presented Chalmer Edwin Detling II with a law license in 2004 after he graduated from the District of Columbia University Law School.


The State Bar of Georgia found Chalmer guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Chalmer represented a limited liability corporation (LLC) in its attempt to finance the purchase of a second corporation. In connection with that representation, Chalmer signed an opinion letter averring, in pertinent part, that he knew of nothing that could materially affect the transaction or the corporation’s right to carry on business substantially as then conducted or that could adversely affect its financial condition.


At the time Chalmer signed the opinion letter, he knew that the director and officer of the sole member of the corporation was facing federal criminal charges because he was representing that director in the criminal matter.

The director was sentenced to serve 90 days incarceration and 90 days home confinement, facts that Chalmer was well aware of at the time he authored he signed the opinion letter.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Georgia Supreme Court punished Chalmer by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.


As we speak (ca. January 2015), Chalmer practices at 3020 Roswell Road in Marietta, Georgia.



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