► Attorney Christopher Arnold of Tallahassee; drunken druggie Print E-mail
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Attorney Christopher Arnold of Tallahassee; drunken druggie


The state of California presented Christopher Patrick Arnold with a law license in 2012 after he graduated from the Thomas M. School of Law.


According to police reports, a Florida State University police officer noticed Chris driving erratically in his pick up truck. Chris just couldn’t seem to stay in one lane, so the police pulled him over. That’s when they noticed a strong odor of alcohol as well as his bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. The officer then asked Chris to step out of the vehicle, and once outside, Chris the Lush had a difficult time maintaining his balance.


The police then arrested Chris and after searching him they found a plastic bag containing white power attached to his credit card. Subsequently, the power was tested and turned out to be cocaine.


All that remains now is to see what kind of deal Chris works out once he cops a plea to the above referenced criminal charges.


We will also have to wait to see what if any punishment is meted out to Chris regarding his law license by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Florida Supreme Court.


As we speak (ca. April 2016), Chris the Lush continues to be employed by the State Attorney General’s Office in Tallahassee, Florida. 


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