► Attorney James Brewer of Simsbury, CT; ethical goblin Print E-mail
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Attorney James Brewer of Simsbury, CT; ethical goblin

The state of Connecticut provided James Steven Brewer with a law license in 1990.
The Statewide Grievance Committee found James guilty of the following misconduct.
In one matter, James was hired by a client to represent him in a federal lawsuit against the Town of Bloomfield and certain town employees. The fee agreement called for the client to pay all expenses as they accrued, which included court fees, investigation expenses, expert witness fees and other necessary costs. The agreement further called for the client to pay a $3,000 non-refundable fee along with 40% of any recovery plus the $3,000.
Subsequently James filed the lawsuit and provided the client with an invoice in the amount of $4,535.74 for costs and expenses. Within two months, James and the client began mediating the lawsuit with the defendants before Judge Robert Zampano. Four months later, James wrote to Judge Zampano in response to a settlement offer from the defendants. The letter indicated that a settlement had been reached and that the client would receive $75,000 in compensatory damages and James would receive $64,000 in attorney’s fees and costs.
When the settlement was not consummated, the defendants withdrew it and replaced it with one for $75,000. Based on James’ recommendation, the client agreed to settle for $75,000. On the day the case was settled, James sent the client a bill consisting of $43,000 for attorney’s fees, $12,000 for costs, which left the client with $20,000. James then mailed the client a check for $20,000. 26%
Subsequently, the client (victim) made multiple unsuccessful attempts to discuss James’ claimed fees and expenses. James absolutely knew that at most he was entitled to $30,000 in fees plus $4,535 in costs. However, due to his greed, James unilaterally changed the fee agreement from 40% to an hourly rate, which then provided him with almost 60% of the settlement as fees.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the cheerleaders for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Statewide Grievance Committee punished James by gifting him with a complimentary reprimand.
As we speak (ca. July 2013) James practices at 132 Firetown Road in Simsbury, Connecticut.

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