► Attorney Morton Dimenstein of Milford, CT; ethical leprechaun Print E-mail
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Attorney Morton Dimenstein of Milford, CT; ethical leprechaun

The state of Connecticut provided Morton J. Dimenstein with a law license in 1957.
The Statewide Grievance Committee found Morton guilty of the following misconduct.
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonest or misrepresentation
  • Represented clients with conflicting interests
  • Failed to provide client with written fee agreement as required
In one matter, Morton found it acceptable to represent both parties in connection with a real estate transaction. Morton prepared a note and mortgage and other related documents to effect transfer of title and the placement of the mortgage. It was later learned that one of the parties was apparently not whom she had claimed to be but was, in fact, probably an imposter. No harm, no foul, since Morton was in truth acting as an imposter by claiming to be an ethical and competent attorney.
As one would suspect, this wasn’t Morton’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree. In fact, he was disbarred in 1968 for engaging in a variety of egregious misconduct. However, the comedians sitting on the Disciplinary Committee reinstated his law license in 1979.
As a consequence of his most recent misconduct, the Patron Saints for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Statewide Grievance Committee punished Morton by ordering that he attend a 3-hour seminar on attorney ethics. Attorney ethics seminar for someone who practiced law for well over 50 years, what an unmitigated joke!
It is now even more understandable why the vast majority of citizens in Connecticut have total contempt for the manner in which Attorney Misfits are disciplined.
As we speak (ca. February 2013) Morton practices at 99 Cherry Street in Milford, Connecticut.

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