► Attorney David Turajski of La Palma, CA; batterer, repeater Print E-mail
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Attorney David Turajski of La Palma, CA; batterer, repeater


The state of California presented David Turajski with a law license in 1991 after he graduated from the University of California Hastings Law School.


The California State Bar Court found Dave guilty of the following misconduct.


In one matter, Dave pled no contest (guilty in effect) to misdemeanor battery. Dave got into an altercation with the office manager of So Cal Legal Services, where he worked. After the office manager bumped him, Turajski punched him.


The State Bar Court and Dave agreed that he would enroll in “anger management therapy.” An unreliable source indicated that Dave opted to attend the Mel Gibson Institute for Misunderstood Batterers in Beverly Hills, California.


As one would suspect, this wasn’t Dave’s only bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree. He was subsequently disciplined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California for forging clients’ signatures on certificates and failing to comply with court orders. The court suspended his right to practice in that court for 2-years.


As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the State Bar Court punished Dave by gifting him with a complimentary stayed 1-year suspension of his law license.


In truth, the comedians sitting on the Bar Court didn’t mete out any meaningful punishment to Dave.


Because Attorney Misfits in California are held to a much lower standard of conduct then everyone else, Dave was never criminally charged for forgery.


As we speak (ca. April 2016), Dave practices in La Palma, California. 


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