► Attorney Robert H. Stover of Hanford, CA; repeat offender Print E-mail
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Attorney Robert H. Stover of Hanford, CA; repeat offender

The state of California provided Robert Henry Stover with a law license in 1999 after he graduated from San Joaquin College of Law, a 3rd tier school dedicated to serving losers that couldn’t get accepted into mainstream schools like UCLA, USC, UC Davis or Pepperdine.
The California Bar Court found Robert guilty of misconduct on several occasions.
Robert’s 1st Bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  1. Failed to provide competent legal services (moron)
  2. Lied to client’s about status of legal matter
  3. Failed to return repeated client phone calls
  4. Failed to return client file to client after being discharged
  5. Failed to cooperate with Bar investigation (Up Yours, said Bobby!)
In one matter, Robert was hired to recover child support overpayments. He lied to the client that a judge had granted a motion to recover wage garnishments when in fact Bobby had never filed such a motion.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the supporters for Attorney Misfits sitting on the California Bar Court punished Robert by gifting him with a stayed 12-month suspension of his law license. In truth, Robert didn’t receive any real punishment from the comedians sitting on the Bar Court.
Robert’s 2nd Bite at the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree

  1. Failed to provide competent legal services (moron)
  2. Failed to respond to client inquiries
  3. Failed to cooperate with Bar investigation (Up Yours, said Bobby!)
Robert also violated the terms of a prior probation by failing to submit required drug and alcohol tests. Put simply, Robert was also a substance abuser.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the California Bar Court punished Robert by gifting him with a one-year extension of his prior probation.
As we speak (ca. August 2012) Robert practices in the Hanford, California area.

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