► Attorney James M. Slater of Santa Barbara, CA; arrogant scofflaw Print E-mail
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Attorney James M. Slater of Santa Barbara, CA; arrogant scofflaw

The California Supreme Court presented James M. Slater with a law license in 1975 after he graduated from Notre Dame Law School in Indiana.
Unfortunately for the good folks in Santa Barbara County, Slater sat as a Superior Court for several years.
During his insignificant tenure on the bench, Judge Slater was found guilty of misconduct by the California Judicial Commission.
Judge Slater’s misconduct came about after he returned to the Santa Barbara courthouse parking lot after the lunch hour to find a van parked in his reserved parking space. Slater then parked in a space reserved for someone else and went into the courthouse, where he contacted the court administrator and demanded that the van be towed.
After speaking to the court administrator, Slater returned to the parking lot and deflated the right front tire of the van. The van belonged to a handicapped person, a fact that didn’t concern Arrogant Jimmy.
The Santa Barbara County DA issued a report concluding that Judge Slater had engaged in unjustified tampering with a vehicle in violation of the Vehicle Code Section 10852. However, because Judicial Misfits in Santa Barbara are held to a lower standard of conduct then everyone else, the DA declined to prosecute Slater.
As a consequence of his misconduct, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Judicial Commission punished Slater be gifting him with a complimentary reproval.
As we speak (ca. March 2012) Jimmy practices at 985 Garcia Road in Santa Barbara.

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