► Attorney Mark Simonian of Los Angeles; repeater, substance abuser Print E-mail
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Attorney Mark Simonian of Los Angeles; repeater, substance abuser

The California Supreme Court provided Mark Simonian with a law license in 1981 after he graduated from the University of Michigan Law School.
Mark is yet another California lawyers that has taken several bites out of the Attorney Misfit Apple Tree.
Mark’s most recent misconduct came about because he refused to successfully complete the Alternative Discipline Program (ADP) for lawyers. This is a self-serving program for attorneys/judges in California that are congenital drunks or drub abusers. Its main aim is to protect them as opposed to protecting the public it laughingly claims it does.
The Bar Court found Mark guilty of practicing law when his license was suspended (felony in California). He also failed to submit six quarterly reports of his participation in the ADP programs for losers.
Mark’s 1st bite at the Attorney Misfit Tree resulted in the apologists on the Bar Court punishing him by gifting him with a complimentary reproval.
As a consequence of his 2nd bite at the Misfit Tree, the enablers on the Bar Court punished Mark with two years of probation. As usual, the Bar Court gave mark credit in mitigation by accepted his excuse that his misconduct came about because he suffered from physicial and emotional problems at the time. It almost makes ya wanna cry, right?
Unless you’re looking to hire an attorney that is a drunk and/or drug abuser, I’d suggest you avoid seeking legal help from Mark.
As we speak (ca. Jan 2012) Mark the Loser practices law at 500 South Grand Avenue in Los Angeles.

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