► Attorney William Reed of Danville, CA; disgusting thief Print E-mail
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Attorney William Reed of Danville, CA; disgusting thief


The state of California provided William James Reed with a law license in 1971 after he graduated from the University of Pacific McGeorge Law School.


The State Bar Court found Billy guilty of the following misconduct.

  • Failed to notify client of receipt of client funds
  • Improperly withdrew $400,000 in funds disputed by clients
  • Failed to maintain client funds in client trust account
  • Engaged in conduct involving fraud, deceit, dishonesty or misrepresentation
  • Failed to maintain balance of $400,000 of client funds in designated client trust account
  • Failed to take steps to avoid foreseeable prejudice to clients upon withdrawal of client representation
  • Failed to take any steps in representation of clients after receipt of several hundred thousand dollars in client settlement checks
  • Failed to advise clients he was withdrawing his representation
  • Failed to release client file to client upon termination of representation
  • Failed to provide clients with accounting of funds he received on behalf of his clients
  • Willfully and intentionally misappropriated (stole) $400,000 of client funds
  • Failed to cooperate with ethics investigators (Screw you, said Billy!)

It should be noted that Billy’s clients (victims) were landowners who suffered damages in a 16,000 acre wildfire in Yolo County (north of Sacramento) that was sparked by downed power lines. Moreover, Billy failed to notify his victims of his receipt of $400,000 in settlement funds and then moved the money out of a trust account when those victims disputed his right to keep the funds.


All that remains now is to see what if any punishment is meted out to Billy by the enablers for Attorney Misfits sitting on the Bar Court.


Because Attorney Misfits in California are held to a much lower standard of conduct then everyone else, Billy has not been charged with grand larceny .


As we speak (ca. June 2018), Billy practicesin Danville, California.



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