► U.S. Judge James Mahan of Las Vegas; ethical runt, loser Print
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U.S. Judge James Mahan of Las Vegas; ethical runt, loser

George W. Bush made a monumental error in judgment when he nominated Nevada State Judge James Mahan for a seat on the Federal District Court of Nevada.
In the recent past an ethics complaint was filed with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals against Mahan regarding his conduct in favoring certain attorneys who had ties to him with fees and favorable rulings.
The Los Angeles Times reported t hat Mahan awarded more than $4.8 million in judgments and fees to people with whom he had long-standing political and business ties.
The Times reported that on several occasions, Mahan appointed George Swarts, his former campaign treasurer, or Swarts’ son to be a special master or receiver of businesses embroiled in legal disputes. Mahan authorized that they be paid up to $250 an hour for their so-called work.
Mahan assigned Swarts to either investigate the business disputes or run the companies until they were settled. Swarts often hired Frank A. Ellis III, Judge Mahan’s former law partner, as his attorney. Rulings Mahan made from the bench ordered various parties to pay Swarts and Ellis a total of more than $700,000 in fees.
Judge Mahan’s Lame attempt at Levity (BS)
Mahan had the chutzpah to deny any wrongdoing is not disclosing his relationships with the men to opposing counsel and said he appointed them based on their ability.
In an attempt to cement his status as an aspiring standup comedian, Mahan said “This whole thing was an attack on my integrity.” What integrity is this buffoon talking about?
Obviously, Mahan is so incompetent and unethical that he lacks the intellect to understand what the term “conflict of interest” means.
As could be expected, the enablers for Judicial Misfits sitting on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed the complaint against Mahan. Did anyone really expect that a group of judges would fairly judge the misconduct of a brother?
Sadly, this is exactly the kind of judges you get when all that is required to receive an appointment are political connections.