► Judge John Zodrow of Milwaukee; Il Duce Wannabee, moron, ethically in-the-tank Print
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Judge John Zodrow of Milwaukee; Il Duce Wannabee,  moron, ethically in-the-tank


Unfortunately, Judge John Zodrow has sat on the Municipal Court in Cudahy, Wisconsin which is a suburb of Milwaukee since 1999.
FYI: Il Duce is none other than Benito Mussolini, the malevolent dictator of Italy prior to and during Worl War II.
On November 23, 2009, the Wisconsin Judicial Commission charged Judge John Zodrow with engaging in a plethora of misconduct.
According to the Judicial Commission, Judge John Zodrow has a backlog of about 3,500 cases dating back to 2002, meaning he has failed to rule on some cases for at least seven (7) years.
Judge John Zodrow told the judicial commission he thinks 1,000 to 1,500 cases are awaiting action, some dating back to 2002 and perhaps a few dating back earlier.
Judge Zodrow is also accused of refusing for the past six months to adjudicate parking tickets because the Police Department cut off the court’s access to the Police Department computer system.
The Judicial Commission’s complaint quotes Judge John Zodrow [aka, Il Duce] as saying he puts parking stipulation cases in a box and “they can sit and collect dust until hell freezes over.” (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel – ca. 11/23/09) Put simply, Il Duce told the taxpayers in Cudahy and Milwaukee County they could “kiss his derriere.”
According to James Alexander, executive director of the Wisconsin Judicial Commission, the Commission on average has filed only one misconduct complaint per year against a judge. (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel – ca. 11/23/09)
Goshes and Gollies and Gee Whillickers, the judges in Wisconsin apparently are to ethics and intelligence what Ivory Soap is to purity if ya know what I mean.
According to the Wisconsin Court System web site at http://tinyurl.com/yg3zvvo, there are 539 judges in the State of Wisconsin. To suggest that each year only 1 out of 539 judges in Wisconsin engaged in unethical conduct and/or was intellectually insolvent doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
Given the fact that the Wisconsin Judicial Commission is in reality made up of enablers and apologists for judicial misfits, it is likely that Judge John Zodrow will receive a “complimentary reprimand” for his egregious misconduct.
This would be in keeping with the actions of the other forty-nine (49) state Judicial Commissions throughout the country, which is further confirmation of the fact that judges are held to a “lower standard of conduct” than we are.