► Judge Thomas Newman, Jr. of Indiana, ethical gimp, liar, moron, arrogant Print
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Judge Thomas Newman, Jr. of Indiana, ethical gimp, liar, moron, arrogant

Sadly, Judge Thomas Newman, Jr. sits on the Superior Court in Madison County, Indiana which is located in Anderson.
In the mid-2000s, Judge Thomas Newman, Jr. was found guilty of the following misconduct by the Indiana Supreme Court.
In Oct. 2000, Tom sentenced Lance Dawson to six years in prison. In July 2001, the Appeals Court ruled the imprisonment was illegal, and ordered that Dawson was to be released. However, Tom failed to follow the orders of the Appeals Court in not ordering Dawson’s immediate release, which resulted in Dawson unnecessarily (unlawfully) spending fourteen (14) additional months in prison.
The Indiana Judicial Commission found Judge Newman guilty of “committing serious misconduct” for being indifferent in not immediately preparing an order for Dawson’s release from prison. 
It further found that Tom engaged in misconduct by assigning blame for his neglect not to himself but to his court reporter, the Dept. of Corrections, and the Court of Appeals. Hey Tommy Baby — wasn’t the courthouse janitor equally guilty?
It also found his testimony of not remembering the Dawson case to be not worthy of belief, since four months later he told the Commission that he did recall the Appeal Court’s order. Put simply, the Court said Tommy Boy was a liar!
In Jan. 2003, Tom received a notice that Dawson had filed a civil suit against him. At the time, Dawson was still under parole supervision (illegally) due to Judge Newman’s illegal conduct. Upon receipt of the notice, Tom wrote on the face of the civil lawsuit “Place in file.”
Judge Thomas Newman’s Mealy Mouth Defenses
Tom said, “It was a very unfortunate situation that Mr. Dawson remained” in prison beyond the Court of Appeals decision. “There seemed to be several factors that ended up causing Mr. Dawson to be somewhere for a period of time (14 months) where he did not want to be.” 
Tom also said, “And it’s just speculation as to if they (Dept. of Corrections) would have complied with it or not (court order for Dawson’s release). This is a blatant falsehood! Have you ever heard of any case wherein a Corrections Department would have ignored a court order for an inmate’s release for 14 months? And if they did, I can assure you the judge issuing the order would have held the Director in contempt within days of issuing the order.
Tommy then had the gonads to testify that, “I really think I’m being a scapegoat in this thing,” by saying it was the Court of Appeals fault that Dawson was detained illegally for 14 months. Bullshit Tommy Baby!!!
Watchdawg’s commentary
Judge Newman’s so-called punishment for cheerfully allowing Dawson to illegally spend 14 months in prison was the receipt of a “complimentary public reprimand.”
Tommy Baby should have rightfully been sentenced to doing 14 months in the joint right after he was tossed from the bench. Put simply, what’s good for the goose (innocent victim) ought to be good enough for the gander (imbecilic despot)! I’m sure that if Tommy had been assigned to cell No. 216 at the Wabash Correctional Facility along with Clarice (his name used to be Clarence) that he would have been treated to the disrespect he so richly deserved.
This non-existent punishment of certified Judicial Misfits further proves that they are held to a much lower standard of conduct then we are.