► Judge Susan J. McDunn of Chicago; bigoted homophobe, ethically sterile Print
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Judge Susan J. McDunn of Chicago; bigoted homophobe, ethically sterile

Sadly, this certified bigoted loser continues (ca. May 2011) to sit as a Circuit Court judge in Cook County, Illinois (Chicago). She began her insignificant career on the bench in Chicago in 1992.
In the past, the Illinois Judicial Commission filed misconduct charges against the Dishonorable Susan J. McDunn. That ethics complaint related to Susan’s bigoted conduct while she presided over two adoption cases in the Adoption Court that involved lesbian partners.
In each case, both the Guardian Ad Litem (children’s court-appointed lawyer) and the Cook County Department of Supportive Services recommended that the adoption petition be granted. However, Susan the Bigot wasn’t concerned with the opinions of professionals employed to look out for the best interests of the children involved in these two adoption matters.
Let me tell you what Boyz and Girls, the only opinion in McDunn’s demented and prejudiced mind is hers! Put simply, since she was a die-in-the-wool homophobe who had no qualms about engaging in unethical and/or quasi-illegal conduct in pursuit of her prejudices against homosexuals. In her demented state of mind, gay folks are not entitled to the constitutional protections of “equal protection.”
Eventually, Susan the Bigot was removed from these two adoption cases. However, when the presiding judge issued orders granting the adoptions, Susan too further judicial actions that were calculated to frustrate and void the adoptions. Put simply, Susan’s conduct was analogous to what one would expect from members of the Aryan Nation and/or the KKK in taking actions based on their biases.
The Judicial Commission stated in its findings that Susan the Bigot’s “bias against homosexuals resulted in her making rulings contrary to Illinois law and in her advancing her own personal beliefs over the legal rights of the parties who appeared before her.”
For her egregious misconduct that included violating Illinois law and the due process rights of the adoptive parents, the wimps, enablers and apologists for Judicial Misfits sitting on the Illinois Supreme Court found it appropriate to not punish her in any manner. Put simply, she was given the proverbial wink and a nod by these certified buffoons.