► Judge Joseph Cirigliano of Elyria, OH; arrogant Whatchmakallit, ethical elf Print
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Judge Joseph Cirigliano of Elyria, Ohio; arrogant Whatchmakallit and ethical elf

It seems as though Judge Joseph Cirigliano believes that his “bowel movement is without odor,” if ya know what I mean.
It is undisputed that Judge Joseph Cirigliano is the poster child in Ohio for Judicial Misfits engaged in unethical conduct and/or outrageous arrogance.
In 2008, the powers-to-be in Erie County (Sandusky), Ohio appointed to retired Judge Joseph Cirigliano to act as a hearing officer for the Civil Service appeal in the firing of Sandusky police Chief Kim Nuesse.
When asked to justify his denial of Chief Kim Nuesse’s appeal, Judge Joseph Cirigliano told everyone “It’s none of your business.”
Unbelievably, Judge Joseph Cirigliano was paid an estimated $100,000 in undeserved fees to preside over the Civil Service hearing. However, it appears that due to his well-acknowledged lack of ethics and his arrogant attitude, Judge Cirigliano is refusing to provide copies of his billing statements to the public.
This clown, my apologies to clowns has had his snout firmly planted in the public trough for many, many years. As a visiting retired judge he consistently billed the state and numerous counties including Erie County for hours he never worked.
From 1998 through 2002, Judge Cirigliano was paid $377,747 for acting (and believe me folks it was an act) as a visiting retired judge. In addition, during the same five years, Judge Joseph Cirigliano received the following income:
  • $81,737 as a rent-a-judge (private judging)
  • $450,000 in state retirement benefits (based on comparison of other retired judges)
  • $100,000 in dividend income from investments (estimate based on disclosures)
Therefore, over a five year period of time (ca. 1998-2002); Judge Joseph Cirigliano’s annual income was approximately $216,800. This is more than the average medical doctor earned in this time frame. In fact, said earnings placed Judge Cirigliano in the top 1% of all wage earners in the country.
It is estimated that since firmly planting his snout in the public trough, that Judge Joseph Cirigliano has hosed the taxpayers of Ohio to the tune of at least $500,000 for services he did not perform and/or for services that clearly weren’t worth the price he was paid.