► Judge Bruce Huffman of Ohio; scofflaw; certified moron, ethical twerp Print
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Judge Bruce Huffman of Ohio; scofflaw; certified moron, ethical twerp


Unfortunately, Judge Bruce Huffman was a sitting Common Pleas Court judge in Fremont, Ohio for many years.
After he retired from the bench with an undeserved pension of about $60,000 a year, and with the knowledge that no reputable law firm would offer him a job, Judge Bruce Huffman decided it was time to cheat the taxpayers by becoming a visiting retired judge.
Judge Bruce Huffman then contacted his friend Chief Justice Thomas Moyer and sought appointment to active status as a visiting retired judge.
With the knowledge that Judge Bruce Huffman would become yet another compliant lackey and bootlicker in dong the his bidding (rewards for friends – punishment for enemies), Chief Justice Thomas Moyer appointed Judge Bruce Huffman to active status as a visiting retired judge.
From 1996 through 2002, Judge Bruce Huffman would have us believe that he worked two-hundred-fifty (250) consecutive eight hour days. Of course this hyperbolic (BS) claim doesn’t pass the involuntary laugh test if ya know what I mean.
On numerous occasions, Judge Bruce Huffman worked less than 2 hours on a given day, yet he had the audacity to defraud the public by submitting a false claim, which resulted in him being paid for eight hours.
I don’t think it can be disputed that Judge Bruce Huffman is a celebrated moron. I personally witnessed his idiotic conduct on the bench while he was in Toledo defrauding the state and Lucas County taxpayers. On that date, Judge Bruce Huffman worked less than 30 minutes; however, he defrauded Ohioans by claiming he worked eight hours.
One can only imagine how many litigants became unwitting victims of this ethical leper-con. Who in the world would want their credibility judged by some of Judge Bruce Huffman’s ilk (for you morons in the Judicial Industry, ilk doesn’t mean male Elk.)
Fortunately, Judge Bruce Huffman was forced to retire after his I.Q. reached 80, I’m sorry I mean his age.
To be fair to Judge Bruce Huffman, I don’t believe his I.Q. ever approached 80. In fact, it would appear that it was equal to and/or less than the legal speed limit in a school zone.
Judge Bruce Huffman’s deplorable record as a visiting retired judge employed by Chief Justice Thomas Moyer clearly indicates that he was a compliant bootlicker in rendering obscene and/or illegal rulings in accordance with the instructions he received from his employer, Chief Justice Thomas Moyer.