► TOP TEN Signs Chief Justice Moyer; ethical gnome; moron, inept crook Print
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TOP TEN Signs Chief Justice Thomas Moyer is an ethical gnome; moron & and inept crook

Due to Chief Justice Thomas Moyer’s willingness to don a pair of industrial-strength knee pads while acting as the quintessential lackey, bootlicker, apple-polisher and bagman for ex-Ohio Governor Jim Rhodes (4 dead in Kent), he was able to eventually weasel his way to becoming the Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court.
Given the abysmal track record of Chief Justice Thomas Moyer (ca. 1987-2009) it would be difficult to imagine that there has ever been a State Supreme Court Chief Justice that is more corrupt and incompetent that Chief Justice Thomas Moyer.
Chief Justice Moyer has and continues to treat his oath of office with utter contempt.
In his demented mind, Chief Justice Thomas Moyer has conducted himself as though Ohio’s Judicial Industry was a “play-thing” for him to abuse in order to reward his friends (aka, contributors) and punish his real and/or perceived enemies (aka, the plaintiff’s bar and Ohioans who had the audacity to expose his gross misfeasance).
This ol’ Watchdawg has spent the past fifteen or more years investigating and reporting on judicial misconduct here in the good ol’ U S of A and throughout the world. And I’m here to tell you that no state Chief Justice has ever manipulated and corrupted a state’s judicial system in the manner in which Chief Justice Thomas Moyer has for over twenty-years.
During his empirical reign over Ohio’s Judicial Industry, Chief Justice Thomas Moyer has proven his worth as an ethical gnome; certified moron and inept crook.
Without further ado; below are the Top Ten signs that Chief Justice Thomas Moyer is the quintessential ethical leper-con; moron and inept crook and those are just his good points, if ya know what I mean.
10.  Chief Justice Moyer rejected for employment by every successful law firm in Ohio
   9.  Chief Justice Moyer steals set of Michelins at public expense for placing on spouse’s car
   8.  Chief Justice Moyer rules justices can use state cars/fuel for campaign purposes
   7.  Chief Justice Moyer actually believes Justice Terrence O’Donnell is an intellectual giant
   6.  Chief Justice Moyer believes he is entitled to a chauffer at public expense to attend partisan political events
   5.  Chief Justice Moyer is able to pump 22 gallons into a 18 gallon tank
   4.  Chief Justice Moyer sez a judge is not biased if he calls an Asian-American a “gook”
   3.  Chief Justice Moyer sez its okay for retired judge to collect 22 hours in wages on same day
   2.  Chief Justice Moyer sez he believes a judge he appointed worked 32-hours in one day
1.     Chief Justice Moyer sez Ohio attorneys lawfully entitled to collect pro se attorney fees for time spent responding to ethics complaints filed with Disciplinary Counsel
This ol’ Watchdawg could have made a top 20 list for Chief Justice Thomas Moyer; however, if you’re not now convinced that he has presided over the most corrupt state judicial system since 1987, then what would be the point?