► TOP TEN Signs that Ohio Chief Justice Thomas Moyer was on the TAKE: Print
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TOP TEN Signs that Ohio Supreme Court (Chief Justice Thomas Moyer) was on the TAKE


 10.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer begins every case with "We'll start the BRIBING at $10,000.00"
   9.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer's written opinions always mentions of the amusement Park Cedar Point and its CEO Dick Kenzel
   8.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer regularly convenes court at the local RACE TRACK
   7.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer, Asks, Does either attorney plan on inviting me on any hunting trips?
   6.  For a Supreme Court Justice he certainly is mentioned on the Sopranos a lot
   5.  Whats with all the BLING BLING?
   4.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer's last article in the "Law Journal" was about finding the right fence for your STOLEN GOODS
   3.  When you have a meeting with Chief Justice Moyer in Chambers, he frisks you for a wire
   2.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer's on Forbes 500 list between Bill Gates and Oprah
   1.  Chief Justice Thomas Moyer declared BUSH the winner in October of 2004.