► 05/24/10 Gov. Strickland letter re:naming Judicial Center after CJ Moyer Print
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05/24/10 letter to Ohio Gov. Strickland re: renaming Ohio Judicial Center after Chief Justice Moyer


Dave Palmer
The Watchdawg
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URL: www.noethics.net
May 24, 2010
Ted Strickland
Ohio Governor  

Re: Naming Ohio Judicial Center after Chief Justice Thomas Moyer
Dear Gov. Strickland:
With all due respect Governor, in recently reading a myriad of news stories (Plain Dealer, Beacon Journal, Vindicator, Dispatch, Enquirer Blade, et al.) wherein you told Statehouse reporters on April 5, “And I think that it would be hugely appropriate and fitting for him [Moyer] to have that honor,” I became ill.
You went on to be quoted as saying, “All of us in public life could learn from Chief Justice Moyer — his demeanor, his attitude, his kindness, his professionalism, his commitment to the law.”
With all due respect Governor, it is apparent that you are unaware of the “real” legacy that Chief Justice Moyer foisted upon Ohioans from 1987 through 2010. That legacy, all of which is supported by thousands of pages of public records in my possession (you’re welcome to copies if you wish) proves the following to be true in regards to Moyer.
  • Found it acceptable to “backdate” assignments of retired visiting judges to forestall legitimate appellate review involving criminal defendants
  • Consistently (1983-2005) evaded paying Federal/State/Local taxes on income he realized from the use of state-funded luxury vehicles as did Justice O’Connor
  • Unlawfully directed the Court’s Fiscal Office that it could violate IRS reporting rules by failing to disclose on annual W-2s the income he and his fellow justices earned from the personal use of state cars and fuel
  • Knowingly violated Ohio Constitution prohibiting judges from receiving perks
  • Ruled that justices seeking re-election could use state cars/fuel for partisan campaign purposes
I could go on Gov. Strickland, but what’s the point? If you’re not now convinced that Chief Justice Moyer perverted Ohio’s justice system for selfish interests, then what’s the point? In addition, Chief Justice Moyer consistently ignored drop-dead evidence of retired visiting judges bilking the public by billing for hours never worked or travel expenses never incurred
FYI: Gov. Strickland, the $110 million edifice on Front Street that Moyer claimed was necessary to provide adequate office space to Court employees was pure hyperbole (BS). In fact, this outrageous waste of taxpayer money resulted in providing each and every Court employee with 2,400 square feet of space. Does that sound like a reasonable expenditure of taxpayer funds Gov. Strickland?
I’ve personally spent several thousand hours and incurred untold expenses during my investigation of Chief Justice Thomas Moyer (ca. 1982-2010) and I can assure you Gov. Strickland that the voluminous public records in my possession prove “beyond all doubt” that Moyer was the most corrupt State Chief Justice in the history of the U.S. of A. In fact, the documentary evidence proves that Chief Justice Moyer dedicated his career assuring that justice was dispensed with rather than actually dispensed.
If you’re really inclined to set into motion a method wherein the Ohio Judicial Center will be renamed after Moyer, then in so acting, you would, in my opinion also support that The French Culinary Institute in Paris be renamed “The Jeffrey Dahmer Culinary Institute.” After all, Gov. Strickland, Jeffrey was born and raised in Cleveland before moving to Milwaukee.
Sorry for droning on Gov. Strickland; however, I firmly believe as do thousands of my readers that, it would be frivolous to the nth degree to name the Ohio Judicial Center after someone of Chief Justice Thomas Moyer’s ilk.
Thanks for your time and attention to this matter and I eagerly await your prompt reply.
Dave Palmer
The Watchdawg
Folsom, CA
PS: A copy of this letter has been posted on my web site under "Ohio Reporter"