► Judge Allen McConnell of Toledo, OH; Homophobic Scofflaw Print
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Judge Allen McConnell of Toledo, OH; Homophobic Scofflaw


The State of Ohio presented Cleasby Allen McConnell with a law license in 1973 after he graduated from the University of Toledo Law School.


In 1999, Cleasby (likes to go by the first name of Allan) duped the voters in Toledo of electing him to a seat on the Toledo Housing and Environmental Court, which is part of the Toledo Municipal Court.


While assigned to a courtroom within the Toledo Municipal Court where civil marriages are performed refused to marry two women despite the fact that the U.S. Surpeme Court legalized gay marriage two weeks earlier. (Kim Palmer, Reuters)


McConnell the Bigoted Homophobe was on a three-week rotational assignment to perform civil marriage ceremonies on July 6, 2015 when he refused a to marry a gay couple. The Homophobe told reporter Kim Palmer the following:

  • “On Monday, July 6, I declined to marry a non-traditional couple during my duties assignment.”
  • "The declination [means refusal Rufus] was based upon my personal and Christian beliefs established over many years.”

As a judge who took an oath to uphold the U.S. and Ohio Constitutions, McConnell’s personal and so-called Christian beliefs are totally irrelevant.


In fact, if this Certified Homophobe refuses to follow the law, then he should resign his judgeship. I’m sure he’d be able to obtain a job as a greeter at the Walmart Supercenter on Glendale Avenue in Toledo.


And if employment at Walmart doesn’t pan out, I’m sure he could find gainful employment as a greeter at the Platinum Showgirls Strip Club on Telegraph Road in Toledo.


As we speak (ca. July 2015), Cleasby the Homophobic remains sitting on the bench at the Toledo Housing and Environmental Court.