► Judge Pat Shelton of Houston; scofflaw, ethically indigent, moron Print
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Judge Pat Shelton of Houston; scofflaw,  ethically indigent, moron


Unfortunately, Judge Pat Shelton sits on the 313th District Court in Houston.
Texas Ethics Laws limits the expenditure of campaigns funds to legitimate campaign activities and/or official officeholder duties. In other words, campaign funds cannot be used for purposes that are clearly personal in nature.
Pictures/Flags for Courtroom Office = $32,395
From June 2006 to October 2008, Judge Pat Shelton had the audacity to spend $32,395 to decorate his courtroom with pictures and flags as set forth below.Gallery of the Republic, 20080801, 1800.00, Courtroom Flag
  • Gallery of the Republic, 20081001, 1400.00, Courtroom Flag 
  • Dennis Rae Art, 20061007, 2600.00,3 pictures – office
  • Gallery of the Republic, 20060908, 9650.00, Courtroom flags and Texana
  • Lahaina Galleries, 20061014, 10525.00,3 pictures
  • October, 20061206, 400.00, Christmas decorations
  • 20061115,880.00,4 US Mint pictures for office 
  • 20061229, 4700.00, Jaing pictures for office
  • 20061115, 420.00, Pictures frames/artifacts/office
It would be frivolous to the nth degree for Judge Pat Shelton to claim that these obscene expenditures of campaign funds specifically related to official judicial duties and/or were legitimate campaign expenses in furtherance of election and/or reelection efforts.
Put simply, any argument by Judge Pat Shelton that this $31,975 in expenditures was lawful wouldn’t pass the involuntary laugh test.
It is painfully clear that Judge Pat Shelton is an omnipotent and arrogant sycophantic individual who believes he is “entitled” to treat himself in an empirical manner as long as someone else is picking up the tab.
From June 2006 to June 2009, Judge Pat Shelton spent a total of $40,399 in campaign funds. Therefore, the obscene total ($32,395) that Judge Pat Shelton spent on pictures and flags amounted to over 80% of campaign expenditures for this three (3) year period of time.
Judge Pat Shelton Robe Repair
On average, a new judicial robe cost about $400. In September 2008, Judge Pat Shelton spent over $250 to repair his robe in 2008. What in the hell did Judge Pat Shelton do to his robe that it would cost $250 to repair?