► Judge Kenneth Curry of Fort Worth; moron; ethical leper-con, scofflaw Print
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Judge Kenneth Curry of Fort Worth; moron; ethical leper-con, scofflaw


We are led to believe by members of the Judicial Industry are (a) apolitical, (b) dispense justice without regard to ethnicity, race, gender, economic status and/or sexual preference, (c) that judges are the only impartial participants in a jury trial, and (d) that judges are held to a higher standard of conduct than you and me.
When a panel of twelve (12) allegedly unbiased jurors is selected to determine the innocence or guilt of a criminal defendant or who should be the victor in a product liability and/or personal injury case, the Legal Industry seduces us into believing that the only impartial participant at a trial is the Judge. Well, boys and girls, I’m here to tell ya it ain’t so!
Since the attorneys representing either side of a criminal and/or civil case are without doubt adversaries, it is understandable that their allegiance is to the party they are representing, which is to be expected. However, to suggest that a trial judge is the only impartial participant during a jury trial is laughable at best.
From May 2006 through September 2007, Judge Kenneth Curry expended $5,449.08 in campaign funds to purchase “juror mementos” and/or coffee mugs and pens for jurors. Those illegal expenditures are set forth below.
  • CFJ Manufacturing, Fort Worth, 20070910, 1677.88, Juror mementos
  • CFJ Manufacturing, 20060508, 2764.47, Coffee Mugs and pens
  • CFJ Manufacturing, 20060526, 1006.73, Juror mementos
A cursory review of CFJ’s web site at http://corporate.cfmgf.com proves that it touts itself as a producer of specialized coffee mugs, etc. for the self-promotion of ethical dwarfs such as Judge Kenneth Curry.
It would be frivolous to the nth degree for Judge Kenneth Curry to claim that the coffee mugs, pens and juror mementos that he purchased with campaign funds from CFJ Manufacturing were not emblazoned with logos promoting his re-election campaign. Put simply, I’m confident that Judge Kenneth Curry was merely involved in acting as a hybrid “pimp,” albeit on his contributor’s dime.
The Code of Judicial Conduct in Texas as well as elsewhere throughout the country prohibits a judge from communicating with jurors in any manner. Therefore, it patently clear that Judge Kenneth Curry was in fact illegally communicating with jurors when he provided them with coffee mugs, pens, etc.
A complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission regarding Judge Kenneth Curry’s egregious misconduct is pending as we speak (ca. September 3, 2009).
I wonder if Judge Kenneth Curry ordered his subordinates (aka, court employees) to not provide gifts to jurors who did not return a verdict that comported with his wishes.