► U.S. Judge Naomi Buchwald of New York City; one of the Good Gals Print

► U.S. Judge Naomi Buchwald of New York City; one of the Good Gals


The State of New York presented Naomi Reice Buchwald with a law license in 1968 after she graduated from the Columbia University Law School.


In one matter, Judge Buchwald was assigned to hear the case of Knight First Amendment Institute vs. Donald “Trumporleone” Trump in a First Amendment case.


The Great Leader believed he had a constitutional right to block people from viewing his Twitter tweets. However, Judge Buchwald disagreed with The Great Leader’s naked attempt at violating the First Amendment. In her ruling in favor of the Knight Institute, Judge Buchwald said in part:

  • “We hold that portions of the @realDonaldTrump account ― the ‘interactive space’ where Twitter users may directly engage with the content of the President’s tweets ― are properly analyzed under the ‘public forum’ doctrines set forth by the Supreme Court.”
  • “Muting equally vindicates the President’s right to ignore certain speakers and to selectively amplify the voices of certain others but ― unlike blocking ― does so without restricting the right of the ignored to speak.”

Put simply, Judge Buchwald basically told The Great Leader that even though he believes he’s a de facto Emperor, he does not possess the authority to violate anyone’s First Amendment rights.

Kudos to Judge Buchwald for having the courage and fortitude to making the proper ruling and for basically telling The Great Leader to “take a hike.”

As we speak (ca. June 2018), Judge Buchwald a  U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of New York in New York, New York.