► US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito; lifetime porker and certified loser Print

US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito; lifetime porker and certified loser

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito unfortunately received his law license in 1976. He then dedicated his entire adult life to porking out at the public trough as evidenced by his employment history below.

  1. 1976–1977 – law clerk (bootlicker/lackey) for 3rd Circuit Judge Leonard Garth
  2. 1977–1981 – Asst US Attorney (lackey/gopher) in New Jersey
  3. 1981–1985 – Asst US Solicitor General (gopher/apple-polisher)
  4. 1986–1987 – Asst US Attorney Washington DC
  5. 1987–1990 – US attorney for the District of New Jersey
  6. 1990–2005 – appointed to 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals by George H.W. Bush
  7. 2006–2011 – appointed to US Supreme Court by George W. Bush
Alito’s employment history clearly indicates that no self-respecting law firm in New Jersey or New York was going to offer him a well-paying partnership. Can ya blame them?


Its puzzling that Justice Antonin Scalia would have anything to do with Ol’ Sammy boy given his past statements while discussing judicial salaries. Justice Scalia said in part,
  1. The federal judiciary will increasingly fail to attract the best-qualified lawyers if judges’ pay doesn’t improve
  2. The result is that the judiciary will increasingly appeal only to those who have made a career out of public-sector work (aka, lifetime porkers)
  3. “More and more, we cannot attract really bright lawyers. It’s too much of a sacrifice."

Obviously, Justice Scalia was speaking about Sammy “The Porker” Alito when he lamented that the judiciary would only appeal to those who’ve made a career out of public sector work. Additionally, Scalia was lamenting the fact that the federal judiciary was only attracting ignoramuses like Sammy “The Porker” who couldn’t cut it in the private sector.

As we speak (ca. Feb 2011), Sammy is paid $213,900. This is at least twice what any competent law firm would offer to Sammy. Therefore, this is the best paying job he’ll ever have and he knows it!
At least we can thank Justice Antonin Scalia for having the courage and fortitude to decry lifelong porkers coming on the bench like Sammy Alito. Keep up the good work Antonin!