► Hays County Roundup – 11/02/11 - Why some complain to DA v Texas Ethics Commission Print

Hays County Roundup – 11/02/11 - Why some complain to DA v Texas Ethics Commission

After publishing the 11/02/11 Houston Chronicle article written by Gary Scharrer titled: “Complaint alleges Fraser spent $7,800 in political money on suits” (http://tinyurl.com/3ofm7yn), theHays County Roundup received the following comments.
Walk on Water said…
As with so many legislative committees, state agencies and other related groups, the Texas Ethics Commission is corrupt to the bone.
Emancipator said…
Kudos to Dave Palmer (all the way from California) for standing up to scumbags who are allowed to buy their hustler pimp clothes on the public dole.
Texans are so corrupted it takes someone from another state to put things right.
Anonymous said…
Oh, yes, we need to have our ethics policed by Cal-E-fornia, the land of fruit s and nuts.
Wake up! Said…
First Anonymous:
You are an idiot like so many who live in a state with mega problems.
You refuse to acknowledge the corruption going on and/or don’t want people to talk about it because you live here and take the stance of “love it or leave it.”
You are part of the problem here in Texas because you don’t step-up to vote-out t he corrupt incumbent turds who continue to screw Texans.
Anonymous said…
Wake up/Emancipator
Just because I love my state does not mean I am blind to its faults. We do not need California to point out our problems. They need to take care of their “house” first. At least we are not bankrupt like they are.