► Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ): Today’s “Vladimir Putin Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ): Today’s “Vladimir Putin Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


FYI: Paulie was successful in duping the voters in the greater Phoenix area into electing him to represent them in the U.S. House of Representatives in November 2010.


This isn’t the first Award presented to Paulie. In the past, he has been the recipient of four (4) awards in various categories and the subject of one (1) opinion piece. Those awards and opinion piece are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Recently, the House of Representatives held a vote to direct President Biden to prepare a report to be presented to congress on our government’s efforts to collect evidence related to the war crimes and other atrocities committed by Putin and his flunkies in the Ukrainian War. The vote in the House was 418 in favor and 7 against.


Paulie was one of the Putin Ass-Kissing Apologists who voted no. In doing so, Paulie furthered his standing with Russia and Putin. Additionally, Paulie’s vote will further his favorable standing with the Former Great Leader Donald Trump.


And lastly, Paulie’s pathetic vote for Putin and Trump provides him with a twofer for Paulie if you know what I mean.


As we speak (ca. April 2022), Paulie continues to be an embarrassment to the good folks of Arizona that firmly believe that Putin is a nothing more than a disgusting war criminal and Hitler Wannabee.


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 1 

Bigot Award Winner = 1

MoronAward Winner = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 1

What does a Quality Anglo Saxon Voter Look Like? Art. 1 Dawg Opinions