► Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY): Today’s “Half-Wit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

► Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY): Today’s “Half-Wit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner



This isn’t the first Award presented to Rand. In the past, he has been the recipient of sixteen (16) Awards in various categories and the subject of two (2) opinion pieces. Those awards, and opinion pieces are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


To assure that his doesn’t lose his standing as one of The Great Leader’s most reliable Sycophantic Ass-Kissers and Liars, Rand decided to attack the upcoming senatorial election in Georgia while being interviewed on the Fox Business Comedy Show.

Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Stinky Ass Spray” on his derriere for the ultimate protection of those in the immediate area, Rand spewed forth the following loony crap about the thorough ass-whooping that The Great Leader received form Joe Biden.

  • “I’m very, very concerned that if you solicit votes from typically non-voters, that you will affect and change the outcome.”
  • "If you solicit votes from typically non-voters, you affect the outcome."
  • "They are mailing out a solicitation.”
  • “They're mailing everybody out a solicitation to vote by mail."


Rand continued with his laughable and asinine rant by saying:


“This is something that has been created out of whole cloth by the Secretary of State, but if they do it again, I'm very very concerned if you solicit from typically nonvoters that you will affect and change the outcome.” (meaning a Democrat might win)


No, no, Rand, this is not like the solicitations you and/or The Great Leader have recently and/or in the past received from working girls at the Mustang Ranch in Nevada, Porn Stars and/or girls hawking their goods on the corner in downtown Louisville or New York City.


And lastly, with The Great Leader being tossed out of office on January 20, 2021, one must wonder why in the hell would Rand have any interest in acting as one of The Great Leader’s Chief Pimps and Apologists. Afterall, after he’s gone, The Great Leader will not have any power to bestow any gifts upon Rand, his comrades in arms, or any other Serial Sycophantic Trump Ass-Kisser.


Top 10 Congressional Lunatic Award Winners: Art. 20 Top 10 Awards  

Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 3

Bigot/Racist Award Winner = 1  

Bullshit Award Winner = 4

Humanitarian Award Winner = 1

Lunatic Award Winner = 2

Rodney Dangerfield Award Winner = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 3

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