► Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Today’s “Dimwit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton: Today’s “Dimwit Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


This is not the first award presented to Tommy. In the past he’s been the recipient of five (5) awards in various categories. Those awards can be viewed by visiting the URLs at the end of this article.


In an ongoing attempt to prove his loyalty and allegiance to Donald “Trumporleone” Trump, Tommy decided to give another ass-kissing performance in support of The Great Leader.


In this instance, Tommy appeared on a recent (ca. November 2020) episode of the Fox’s Lou Dobbs Comedy Show.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of “Booty Fresh” for the ultimate protection of anyone in the immediate vicinity, Tommy made the following false and fabricated statements, all of which were intended to provide additional red meat to Dobbs’ low I.Q. followers.

  • “There have been noises about it on the internet, but I didn't know anything beyond what Sidney's reporting now.”
  • “You know, I go back to the numbers you reported at the beginning of the segment. The president was winning on Tuesday, he's not winning now.”
  • “And he's not winning now as a result of a process that the voters can't have confidence in, the state legislatures can't have confidence in -- in my view -- the courts can't have confidence in.”

Tommy the Moron continued with his BS rant by saying the following. 

  • “So, the question is, are the courts going to undo what went on? I don't know.”
  • “But the state legislatures in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, perhaps Arizona, they now have an opportunity to make a stand on behalf of the rule of law.”

It is obvious that Tommy the Certifiable Loon is advocating for legislators in states controlled by Republicans act contrary to the will of their constituents and vote to have The Great Leader declared the winner even though Biden received 306 electoral votes and beat him like a drum in the popular vote by nearly 6 million votes.


Yeah Tommy Baby, I’m sure that these GOP legislators will go along with your asinine recommendations. Take my advice Tommy and don’t hold your breath waiting for this to happen. However, on the other hand, please do us all a favor and do hold your breath Tommy Baby.


Trump Ass-Kisser Awards = 4

Lunatic Awards = 1

Donald “Trumporleone” Trump: Today’s “Judicial Watch Ass-Kisser” Award Winner: Art. 410 Ass-Kisser Awards