► Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA): Today’s “ Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner Print

► Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA): Today’s “Trump Ass-Kisser” Award Winner


FYI:  Johnny  is another in a long list of loser attorneys such as Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and Hugh Hewitt that decided to go into political punditry after learning how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated from the University Virginia School of Law. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics. 


Johnny has dedicated his senate career to spending an inordinate amount of time on his knees kissing The Great Leaders oversized derriere. During a recent (ca. August 2020) Senate Judiciary Hearing, Johnny decided to further ingratiate himself with The Great Leader.


In this instance, Johnny and his fellow Trump Sycophants on the Judiciary Committee undertook to take the testimony former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.


Ms. Yates is the one who personally warned then White House Counsel Don McGahn that The Great Leader’s hand-picked National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn was subject to being blackmailed by Russia because of his personal contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.

During her testimony, Ms. Yates put to rest the screwy conspiracy theories that have been routinely put out by The Great Leader and various of his comrades and Ass-Kissing Sycophants. Sen. Kennedy wasn’t happy with her truthful testimony, so he decided to do what any good Ass-Kissing Dumbass would do by interjecting his usual hyperbolic (BS) comments.


Towards that end and only after spraying a thick coat of Industrial Strength Booty Fresh for everyone else’s protection, Johnny asked Ms. Yates the following asinine question.


“You despise Donald Trump, don’t you?”


Ms. Yates responded by saying:


“I don't despise anyone, senator.”


I surely wish I would have been answering Johnny’s question about despising The Great Leader because if I had, my answer would have gone like this.

  • “I do not despise Trump as much as Sen. Graham has stated he does. In fact, here’s some of the things Sen. Graham has said about Trump.”
  • “He’s a race-baiting xenophobic bigot.”
  • “He’s a jackass, kook, crazy and unfit for office.”
  • “Republicans would be destroyed if they nominated Donald Trump as their presidential candidate.”

Hopefully, The Great Leader and/or one of his Designated Flunkies has taken affirmative steps to reimburse Johnny for the costs he incurred in his purchase of a bottle of Industrial Strength Booty Fresh.


As we speak (ca. August 2020), Johnny continues to act as a Trump Ass-Kisser while failing to competently represent his Louisiana constituents.