► Rep. Phil Ginrey (R-GA): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner Print

Rep. Phil Ginrey (R-GA): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner

In November 2003, Phil duped the voters in the northwestern suburbs of Atlanta to elect him as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives where he unfortunately remains as of this date (2013).
In an effort to further cement his status as a founding member of the Practicing Misogynist Society (PMS), Phil took to the floor of the House on June 18, 2013 in order to further demean women by claiming that girls should take classes on tradition gender roles in marriage because there are some things fathers do “maybe a little bit better” than mothers.
In support of his misogynist views, Phil argued that we need to back into schools at the grade school level and have a class for young girls so that they can be taught that “this is what a mom does, and this is what is important from the standpoint of that union which we call marriage.”
Of course the Misogynist wants young girls to be taught that they must be “subservient” to their masters (husbands) and do the chores required of any servant-spouse.
And keeping a servant-spouse pregnant and barefoot is one sure fire way of pleasing Phil the Misogynist. I’m sure that Phil’s wife Billie is a compliant spouse that can be relied upon to perform her wifely duties around the marital home that Phil has provided for her.
Congrats Phil; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of America’s Most Disrespected “Misogynists”; you are far too humble.