► Sen. Marco “Little Marco” Rubio (FL): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner Print

Sen. Marco “Little Marco” Rubio (FL): Today’s “Misogynist” Award Winner


This isn’t the first Award presented to Marco. In the past, he has been the recipient of nineteen (19) Awards in various categories, the subject of (2) laments and one (1) Dawg Opinion. Those awards, lament and opinion are listed at the end of this article and can be viewed by going to the listed categories.


Marco is another in a long list of loser attorneys that learned early on how difficult it was to earn a dishonest living practicing law after he graduated in from the University of Miami Law School. Therefore, he decided to go into the second most ethical profession (used car salesman No. 1), politics.  


It should be noted that Little Marco has had his significant snout firmly implanted in the public trough for the past twenty-five (25) years. Apparently, no self-respecting law firm in the greater Miami area was about to offer him a good paying job.


Shortly after a jury of 6 men and 3 women found Donald “Trumporleone” guilty of Sexual Assault and Defamation involving E. Jean Carrol and awarded her just under $5 million in damages, Little Marco decided to further establish credentials as a Practicing Misogynist.


In this instance, Little Marco made the following statement in favor of Serial Sexual Abuser and Adulterer in addition to being America’s Premier Misogynist Small Hands Donnie.

  • “That jury’s a joke.”
  • “The whole case is a joke.”

Its hard to imagine anyone who is less qualifdied to speak of a jury’s rulings then Little Marco. His resume appears to establish that he’s never presented a case before a jury, meaning he likely doesn’t know what this jury really did in finding his newfound boyfriend guilty of sexual assault.


In addition to being a dyed-in-the-wool misogynist, Little Marco his a pathetic flip-flopping loser in that he couldn’t wait to kiss Trump’s oversized derriere after


Trump stated on Access Hollywood that he “grabbed women by the pussy” and was able to do so because he was a star. He doubled down on this statement in a deposition taken by Ms. Carrol’s attorney that was played for the jury in the recent sexual abuse trial.


Given Little Marco’s affection for Trump and his willingness to act as his de facto defense counsel as the “sexual assault” jury finding, I would like to know how Little Marco would respond to the following questions.

  • “Since you support Trump despite his “grab them by the pussy” admission, would you object if Trump grabbed your wife Jeanette by the pussy?”
  • “In supporting Trump “grabbing them by the pussy, would you find it acceptable if he so acted in grabbing one of your daughters, Daniella or Amanda?”
  • “Or would you give your stamp of approval if Trump grabbed your younger sister Veron by the pussy?”

And lastly, given Little Marco’s sympathy with Trump, it may well be that he wishes he could be in the same position so that he could join in and “grab them by the pussy.”


Ass-Kisser Award Winner = 3

Bigot Award Winner = 1

Bullshit Award Winner = 5

Chicken Little Award Winner = 1    

Dumbo Award Winner = 1

Humanitarian Award Winner = 1

IHOP (Flip-Flop) Award Winner = 1

Lunatic Award Winner = 1

Miscellaneous Award Winner = 1

Moron/Dimwit Award Winner = 2

Rodney Dangerfield Comic Award Winner = 1

Screwball Award Winner = 1

Will GOP Senators support legalizing Hand Grenades for self-protection? Art. 6 Laments

Sen. Marco Rubio trolling for the young vote: Art. 130 Laments

Little Marco apologizes to Trump for implying he had a Small Penis: Art. 118 Dawg Opinions