► Trump’s 19th post-election lie: Labeling China Currency Manipulator Print

Trump’s 19th post-election lie: Labeling China Currency Manipulator


One would have had to have been intellectually insolvent to have believed 1/3rd of the outright lies that Donald Trumporleone” Trump said during the presidential campaign and thereafter.


In an ongoing effort to retain his League Leading Average as America’s Premier Liar, The Don has proven that his promise to declare China to be a Currency Manipulator was a total fabrication. Below are the hyperbolic (BS) statements The Don made on this matter.



"On day one of a Trump administration, the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China a currency manipulator."


''I'm going to instruct my Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator, which should have been done years ago.''


"Well they, I think they're grand champions at manipulation of currency.”


“China is the grand champion in currency manipulation.”


As we all know, Don the Congenital Liar did not make good on his promise to declare China a Currency Manipulator on Day One of his presidency, which would have been January 20, 2017. To be fair to The Done, maybe he meant ‘Day One of his Next Menstrual Cycle.”


There were many, many more times that The Don lied about this matter during the campaign. These repeated lies were intended to dupe the voters into believing that he was going to be really tough on China and in doing so he’d be bringing back hundreds-of-thousands if not millions of jobs back to America. Unfortunately, millions of Americans bought into The Don’s falsehood.


During a recent (04/13/17) interview with the Wall Street Journal, The Don said:


“The Chinese are not currency manipulators.”


As you can see, it took Lying Don less than 2-months to admit that he was intentionally lying to the folks he duped into voting for him.


One thing y’all can take to the bank is the fact that The Don will go down in U.S. History as the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of Degenerate Liars.


For additional post-election articles re: The Don visit the following articles

  1. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 1 thru 38 Dawg Opinions
  2. Trump’s victims of Draining the Swamp: Art. 39 thru 49 Dawg Opinions
  3. Trump Filling the Swamp: Art. 50 thru 53 Dawg Opinions
  4. Trump miscellaneous articles: Art. 280 thru 293 Dawg Opinions
  5. Trump Bullshit: Art. 355 thru 376
  6. Trump Lies: Art. 1 thru 18 Liar Awards
  7. Lunatic Awards: Art. 315 thru 317
  8. Screwball Awards: Art. 267 thru 268
  9. Rodney Dangerfield Awards: Art. 198 thru 206