► White House’s Sean Spicer “Size Matters Lie” Print

White House’s Sean Spicer “Size Matters Lie”


In late December 2016, Donald “Trumporleone Trump named Sean Spicer to be the White House Press Secretary. Sean’s vast experience as a purveyor of fabricated facts and outright lies was what caused The Don to appoint Sean. In fact, it gives credence to the adage “The Avocado doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


In an ongoing and never ending attempt to prove that he is a Congenital Liar just like his master The Don, Sean decided it was necessary to lie about the size The Don’s hands, I’m sorry about the size of crowd at The Don’s inauguration.


In keeping with his ongoing “Kissing Trump’s Rump” routine, Sean spewed forth the following bald-faced lie.


“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.”


In addition to an inaugural celebration, the events celebrating a public official set forth below prove beyond all doubt that Sean is a Degenerate Liar.

  • 01/06/1969: est. 15 million people attended funeral of N. Annadurai in India
  • 06/02/1953: est. 3 million people gathered in London to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II with 20.4 million more viewers watching the festivities on TV (23.4 million before Cable TV)
  • 10/18/2007: est. 3 million people welcomed Benazir Bhutto on her return from exile
  • 11/16/2011: est. 3 million people pledge allegiance to Imam Ali in Iraq

It should be noted security officials estimated that 1.8 million people attended the inauguration of Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. on 20 January 2009.


It is painfully clear that Sean is willing to lie about anything, even something as insignificant as the attendance at The Don’s inauguration.


And lastly, it probably won’t be long before Sean lies about the size of The Don’s “small hands.”