► Gay marriage supporters should be made to live in house w/o plumbing Print

Gay marriage supporters should be made to live in house w/o plumbing


Jim Garlow is the pastor of the SkylineChurch located in La Mesa, California. In addition, Jimmy is the leader of the laughable “pulpit freedom” movement that holds the view that Elmer Gantry Wannabees like Jimmy and those of his ilk should be able to engage in political advocacy from the pulpit despite the fact that such conduct is illegal and violated IRS rules.


In early December 2014, Jimmy made a call to the “Point of View” comedy radio program to speak about his participation in the Vatican’s summit on marriage. While speaking, Jimmy put forth the following asinine argument (is there another kind for Jimmy?):


  • “All the people who advocate for so-called same-sex marriage ought to have to live in homes in which the plumbers who built them, or the electricians who built them, didn't understand the difference between the male and female end of piping or plumbing or of electrical as well." he said,
  • “Let’s see how that home works out for them.”

Geez Jimmy, why don’t we provide you with free lodging in Cell No. 717 at the Folsom Penitentiary where you’ll be roomed up with Clarice (real name is Clarence) and see if Clarice can help you to differentiate between male and female plumbing. Then we’ll be able to see how that works out for you Jimmy Baby.


For additional pieces on Jimmy go to the articles categorized below.


Bullshit Award Winner = 1

Fleece-Flocker Award Winner = 1

Homophobe Award Winner = 1