► State Rep. Richard Tass (R-WY): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner Print

State Rep. Richard Tass (R-WY): Today’s “Humanitarian” Award Winner


Dick succeeded in duping the voters into electing him to the Wyoming House of Representatives in November 2018 based on his so-called staunch conservative leanings.


In order to cement his status as a fanatical anti-abortionist and lunatic, Dick recently (ca. February 2020) made the following legislative proposals regarding a women’s right to choose in Wyoming.


Threatens doctors with felony charges and up to 10 years in prison if they perform an abortion less than 48 hours after first talking to a patient about what the procedure entails


And in Dick’s misogynistic mind, the following crimes pale in comparison to a woman choosing her right to control her body in Wyoming.

  • 5 years for prior convictions of aggravated assault and/or child abuse
  • 5 years Felony assault and battery against a household member (wife)
  • 5 years sexual abuse of a minor by engaging in sexual contact when the other person is: a minor who is under the age of 18 and the defendant is 20 years old or older, at least four years older than the minor, and in a position of authority over the child

I’m a firm believer in what my Dad told my Mom and her Catholic friends about their anti-abortion stances years ago, which was:


“If I didn’t impregnate the woman, then its

none of my damn business.”


In order to silence Dick, maybe it’s time for me to provide Dick with a complimentary tube of toothpaste that is the product of a joint venture between Colgate and the makers of Krazy Glue.