► Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD): Today’s “Moralizing Moron” Award Winner Print

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD): Today’s “Moralizing MoronAward Winner


Congratulations to….


Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD)

Today’s “Moralizing Moron Award Winner



Andy succeeded in duping the voters into electing as a member of the U.S. Congress in November 2010.


In an effort to solidify his status as a Moronic Loser, Andy led a fight in Congress to overrule the voters of Washington D.C. who voted to legalize marijuana just like their brethren have done in Colorado and Washington.


Of course Andy doesn’t represent anyone who resides in D.C. Despite this fact, Andy believes he has more power than the 78,000 voters in D.C. who voted to legalize marijuana. And nobody in D.C. should have to abide by Andy’s so-called moral views. Put simply, who gives a damn what Andy believes or doesn’t believe?


What this means is that one man, one vote is only relevant when a Muammar Gaddafi Wannabee casts the single vote that counts.


Unfortunately, Andy was able to persuade enough fellow morons (my apologies to morons) in the House and Senate to repeal the marijuana legalization law passed by D.C. voters.


Congrats Andy; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Morons”; you are far too humble.