► Fox News’ Heather Nauert: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner Print

Fox News’ Heather Nauert: Today’s “Moron” Award Winner


Congratulations to….


Fox News’ Heather Nauert

Today’s “Moron” Award Winner


Heather is employed by the Fox News Comedy Network and co-hosts the Good Day Early Call Comedy Hour along with comedian Steve Lacy.


In keeping with Fox’s ever increasing desire to spew forth comedic bigotry, Heather announced on a recent showing (12/2/13) that a YMCA swim class was engaged in conduct that respected the religious traditions of Muslim girls and in doing so proved that “Sharia law is now changing everything.”


The Moron spewed forth her BS after the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that the St. Paul YMCA had hooked up with the St. Paul police department to teach a group of Somali-American girls to swim. In order to show respect for the religious traditions and modesty of the girls (5 to 17 years old), men were not permitted in the pool area during the one-hour classes.


The Moron responded to the Police and YMCA’s conduct by saying:

  • “Well, the minority becoming the majority at one community pool.”
  • “Sharia law is now changing everything.”

To suggest that “modesty” among young girls is somehow questionable conduct is absurd. It is painfully clear that women like Heather would never be employed by the Fox Comedy Channel if any of them refused to don short skirts to satisfy the morons that tune into catch a glimpse of Heather, et al. crossing their legs.


Put simply, modesty is strictly prohibited for women appearing on camera for the Fox Comedy News Network.


Congrats Heather; keep up the good work! We should let everyone know of your amazing record as one of Americas Least Appreciated “Morons”; you are far too humble